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Jnana Yoga

with Anna
Jnana Yoga

Jnana Yoga

"Thoughts and feelings come and go, what is it that remains?"


Sri Ramana Maharashi


Jnana yoga is ancient wisdom. With meditation at its heart, it enables you to realize a constant presence of peace that underlies all thoughts and feelings. This presence is your resting place and your true self. It is eternal, stable, secure and is unaffected by the movements of the mind.


Originating from a 5000 year old tradition, Jnana Yoga is the core teaching of the yoga texts, the Upanishads. It was refreshed and promoted by Ramana Maharashi in the early 20th Century and is as relevant now as it was thousands of years ago. It enables you to be at ease with states of mind, recognising that they are passing and do not define you and allows you to recognise and abide in the natural simplicity of being and peace.


A flavour of the meditation practice of Jnana Yoga (known as Atma Vichara) with Anna can be listened to below. Further down the page you can find out a little more about her meditation classes which she delivers online and around Swansea as well as other events.


One-to-one meditation sessions are also available.

Sample Guided Meditation (20 mins) - Anna Flanagan
About Anna

About Anna

Anna has been exploring the nature of the spirit/self since childhood and studying and practicing meditation for 20 years. In 2006, alongside raising a family and working as accredited Journey therapist, she found herself drawn to the specific teachings of Jnana Yoga, also known as Advaita Vedanta. She was moved by its meditation practice of Atma Vichara and drew great inspiration from Ramana Maharashi, who made the ancient teachings accessible to the world.

Over the last 10 years, she has had the opportunity to study and practice these teachings in depth with the practical and profound guidance of Derek Thorne, director of YogaLiving. Having a teacher living an engaged life amidst the responsibilities of work and family, as she is, has been so valuable in learning how to integrate this wisdom and meditation practice into everyday life. 


Jnana Yoga gives Anna a wealth of understanding, compassion and joy which she loves to share with others. She offers group classes and satsang (NOW ONLINE) with the 

grounding meditation practice and wisdom of Jnana Yoga. She shares the power of healing chants and uses them alongside the meditation to help the mind settle, let go, deepen in love and compassion for ourselves and humanity and to find peace. Her approach can be considered to be a blend of Jnana and Bhakti Yoga. Her classes are infused with clarity, compassion and tenderness and are held across Swansea.


She offers one-to-one meditation sessions in the home and at Swansea Wellbeing Centre.


Anna's album, 'Heart Song', gives a flavour of her classes and the meditation practice. You can listen to samples and order the CD by clicking here.

Meditation Classes

Introduction & opportunity to practice
Monday 7 - 8.15pm

Gain a greater understanding on the nature of your mind, deepen in compassion and ease in which to be with its movements and settle in the peace which lies within. 

Alongside receiving a guided meditation, it is an opportunity to hear the beautiful poetry of the Upanishads and an explanation.


Open to all.



Deepening your practice
Wednesday 12 - 1pm

Similar to the Monday sessions, it is an opportunity to explore this practice in greater depth, understanding this human experience with increasing clarity and compassion and recognising with growing confidence, the peace, love and simplicity of being at the heart of you. It is an opportunity to deepen in your practice and hear the poetry of the Upanishads with explanation.


Open to all.

Guided Monthly
Dates TBC
Supporting your practice
All dates inclusive

Sign up for a week at a time and join any of the meditation sessions. This is here for you to be able to come to as much as you would like with ease and to have the opportunity to deepen your understanding, strengthen and be supported in your practice, clarify doubts and to be held in this current of awareness and love.



Sample Guided Meditation (20 mins) - Anna Flanagan
Sri Rudram

The Prayer of Sri Rudram

Live performance (ONLINE monthly)


Over the coming months Anna will chant the prayer of Sri Rudram once a month to raise funds for outreach projects for homeless people. 


Performed daily in temples across India, Sri Rudram is a profound 3500-year-old hymn from the sacred Vedas. Hearing it invokes peace, protection, well-being and the removal of obstacles. Chanted for people, communities, places and the world. It is a time where you can come and receive this ancient Sanskrit prayer, be bathed in its sounds and hold closely any prayer or intention for yourself and / or for anyone or situation that needs healing. 


Please watch the video below to find out more about this ancient chant.

To find out more about her fundraising campaign, please go to:


Performance dates: 

7pm - 8.15pm
June 5th 
July 3rd 
September 4th 
October 2nd
October 30th
December 4th 


To register your interest and receive detailed joining instructions, please click below:



Heart Song: Healing chants and meditation by Anna Flanagan


The album gives a flavour of Anna's classes. Listen to samples of the chants below. A guided meditation can  be downloaded for free. The full album is only currently available on CD and can be ordered following the link below.

Heart Song CD.png

£10 + postage

Supportive Reading


Sphurana: The yoga practice of Atma Vichara. Its context and method by Derek Thorne


Yoga Living -


The essence of the Upanishads and The Upanishads by Eknath Easwaran 


Be as you are: The teachings of Sri Ramana Maharashi by David Godman


I am that by Sri Nisargadatta


The Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran



“The eternal self is ever-present... the best definition is 'I am.' 

It is not attaining something new or reaching some goal which is far away, but simply being that which you always are and which you always have been.”


 Sri Ramana Maharashi 



“My monthly class gives a perfect recharge of peace and joy through Anna’s beautiful chanting and guidance. The days that follow are filled with positive intention...” 

—  Neil Chamberlain, Designer

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Get In Touch

Anna Flanagan

​  \\  07972 642678


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